Legal Writing, Litigation, Corporate, Legal Practice, Technology
Some law school
For those who want to
  • Get ready for summer jobs
  • Plug gaps from law school
  • Impress from the first day
About 20 weeks


Summer Associate

Build the skills you need to thrive in today’s dynamic legal workplace. Writing, tech, and other essential practice skills—all in one compact career path. From writing fundamentals to word processing basics, the Summer Associate Career Path will help you succeed in your summer job or externship.

Legal skills for the 21st-century

We use 21st-century learning science to train today’s legal professionals. Bite-sized training, data-backed techniques, and lessons that are actually fun make it possible for you to pick up a new skill in no time. 
“'s training fundamentally changed my writing. My first drafts got better. My editing became more effective. And my final drafts became much more like the writers I admire.”

Alex Velto

Associate Attorney at Hutchison & Steffen LLP

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to level up your legal skills?