level up your LEGAL writing

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The Base Sentence  

The Base Sentence
Building on to Base Sentences
Building on to Base Sentences with Phrases
Building Sentences by Combining Two Bases
Long and Short Sentences

Sentence Mechanics  

Modifiers and Word Gaps
Connecting Sentences
Subject-Verb Agreement
Parallel Sentences

Sentence Style  

One Idea Sentences
Distilling with First Sentences
Priming Readers at the Start of Paragraphs
Powerful Paragraphs
Quoting Persuasively

Advanced Sentence Style  

Highlighting Key Points
Highlighting Tools
Personifying Your Points
Using Dialogue to Connect with Readers
Clarifying by Explaining the Negative
Crafting Conclusions
Parallel Sentences
Clustering Examples to Make a Point
Flipping Conventions to Get Noticed
Inverted Sentence Axis
Engaging Readers with Figurative Language
Engaging Readers with Figurative Language
Using Modifying Phrases to Build a Scene
Using Short Sentences to Emphasize
Emphasizing the Ends of Sentences

Word Mechanics  

Noun/Verb Mix-Ups
Adjectives and Participles
Commonly Confused Words

Word Style

Familiar, Short, and Simple Words
Transitioning to Create Writing Flow
Verbs That Burst
Avoiding Descriptors
Developing Word Diversity

Advanced Word Style  

Creating Helpful Shorthands
Using Silent Verbs to Create Emphasis
Using Echo Words to Create Emphasis


Em dashes
Periods, Parentheses, and Quotation Marks

Writing Precisely  

Legal Writing Conventions
Mastering Active Voice
Concrete and Targeted Words
Choosing Smart Subjects
Beware of Acronyms
Gendered Pronouns
A Footnote to Footnotes
Precise Word Choice

Cutting Clutter  

Redundancy and Wordiness
Legalese, Latin, and Cliches
Common Clutter Words
Naming Concepts
Verb Tense
Helpful Shorthands

Editing and Proofreading  

Proofreading and Postwriting
Content Word Editing
Red Flag Editing
One Read Editing


Drafting Smarter Documents
Figuring Out What You Want to Say
Ordering Your Points
Distilling Takeaways
Structuring Documents Smartly
Organizing Your Documents
Leveraging Places of Emphasis
Making Your Documents Easy to Navigate
Organizing to Persuade
Powerful Headings
Introductions That Persuade
Priming Readers at Each Juncture
Countering Arguments


Leveraging Visuals
Flowcharts and Infographics
Visual Lists
Casts and Definitions
Images and Recreations
Maps and Diagrams
Textual Call-Outs

Reader Psychology  

Don’t Waste Your Reader’s Time
The Speaking/Writing Connection
Engaging Readers
Framing and Priming
Leading Readers to Water

Persuasion Science  

10 Principles to Persuade with Writing
Persuasion Science Basics
Diving Deeper into Persuasion Science
Cultivating Your Credibility
The Expert
The Confidant
The Smartest Person in the Room


Starting Your Story
Telling the Whole Story
Fact Headings
Focus on the Facts That Matter
Details Speak Louder Than Words
Tell the Story with Style
Dealing with Good and Bad Facts

Rule Basics and IRAC  

Transactional v. Analytical Writing
Anatomy of a Legal Document
The Introduction
The Story
The Discussion
IRAC Basics

Analyzing Rules  

Understanding Rules
Harmonizing Rules
Explaining Rules
The Foundational Rule Types
Applying the Law Tactically
Linking the Law with the Facts
Crafting Rules
Rule Discussions
Advanced Rule Explanations
Highlighting Key Rules
Weaving Policy into Analysis
Codified Rules

Persuading with Caselaw  

Leveraging a Case's History
Fact to Fact Comparisons
Analyzing Case Quality
Emphasizing Case Facts
Fact Silences
Arguing That a Case Distorted a Prior Rule
Focusing on How Authorities Evolved
Using a Case's Record to Bolster Facts
Discard a Line of Authority All at Once
Attacking a Case's Foundations
Using Common Sense to Fill the Gaps

Advanced Legal Authority  

Broaden and Narrow Rule Categories
Analogies to Similar Rules
Leverage Choice Quotes from Authorities
Align Language from Multiple Authorities
Highlight Contradicting Language 
Explain a Rule’s History
Examples and Hypos
Secondary Sources
Policy Arguments
Legal First Principles
Leveraging Novelty to Explain Rules
Legislative History
Canons of Construction
Common Sense
Explaining the Negative to Highlight the Positive

Legal Research  

Why Legal Research Matters
Getting to Know Legal Authorities
Making a Research Plan
Starting Research
Finding the Right Answers
Cases, Citators, Headnotes
Statutes, Regulations, and Legislative History
Secondary Sources
Case Briefing
Using Search Terms
Advanced Legal Research
Advanced Research Tools
Understanding Citations
Common Sense
Mastering Parentheticals


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